New Score variable PartName, which corresponds to the Part Name field in the File > Score Info dialogĪll the supplied manuscript papers and house styles have been fully updated.New Score object method ResetSounds(), which resets the sounds of the current score to the user�s default device and sound set choices.New DEFAULTPARTAPPEARANCE argument for the ApplyHouseStyle method, to allow the selective importing of the Default Multiple Part Appearance component of house style files.New BarObject object methods, ShowInScore(), ShowInParts(), ShowInAll(), and new read/write variable Hidden, documented on page 52 of ManuScript Language.pdf.New version of the ManuScript Language.pdf file, with a number of errors and omissions corrected.Tuplet brackets/numbers can now be flipped independently in dynamic parts.It is also possible to create a key change at a position in the part where no key signature appears in the score (equivalent to creating a key signature with the One staff only option switched on, i.e. Transposition changes and key signatures can now be applied to individual dynamic parts, allowing the creation of multiple parts based on the same staff in the score, each in a different transposition and key if necessary.Note that if you drag a bar number further than 3 spaces in a Sibelius 4.1 score, it will appear at a maximum of 3 spaces from its default position when opened in Sibelius 4.0 (and if exported as a Sibelius 3 or 2 file). Bar numbers can now be dragged any distance in any direction (rather than being constrained to just 3 spaces, as in earlier versions).New options on the Bar numbers page of House Style > Engraving Rules allow Sibelius to display a range of numbers (e.g.Jump to: New features | Fixes and other improvements New features in Sibelius 4.1 Bar numbers Sibelius 4.1 includes a number of new features and many small fixes and improvements.

470: New features and fixes in Sibelius 4.1